Knowledge Base

rdesktop is the essential tool for Remote Desktop Management of Windows boxes using Linux as your local machine. It is sometimes crucial to be able to transfer files using rdesktop, especially when there isn’t any FTP service (or equivalent). Luckily rdesktop supports file transfer modes. Before connecting you the Windows box, let’s make a directory […]

Apache rewrite is an apache web server module which gives opportunity to change URL folders during opening of pages. At first it is hard to understand mod_rewrite but if you know what you are doing then it will become a usefull tool. You can reach the documents supplied by developer site located here: Apache Docs […]

BackupPC uses ssh and rsync to connect to the client hosts, backuppc user’s shared key must be distributed to client hosts in order log-in to the clients without password, you receive the error “filelist receive failed” as backuppc cannot log-in or cannot find rsync on the client. We assume that you already generated a private […]

Introduction Routing is the process of finding the route to a destination, and routing protocols determine how a router updates its route information. A router is attached to two or more networks, and its primary function is receiving IP packets through one network interface and forwarding them through another. The packets can travel through a […]

Hi there, it’s me again. Today, i’m gonna talk about CSS3 border features. By using CSS3, you can; create rounded borders (it was really a big problem cause we had to use images or junk javascript libraries) box shadows (it was also a big problem) use image files as border without using a design program […]

Below I’ll describe a couple of nice methods to generate passwords using Python and Bash. Actually there are a lot of ways you can accomplish this especially with bash, but using the /dev/urandom file seems to be the most clever one. The /dev/urandom device doesn’t only generate read-friendly characters, so it’s best to filter out […]

Earlier we’ve discussed target specification in detail. But it is almost as import to choose your method to scan the target host. Nmap can scan in various algorithms, we should choose wisely considering the network, operating system and firewalls. Even though we usually don’t know what network architecture or operating system the target is affiliated […]

[zimbra@ck]$ zmcontrol start Host Starting ldap…Done. Unable to determine enabled services from ldap. Enabled services read from cache. Service list may be inaccurate. Starting logger…Failed. Starting logswatch…ERROR: service.FAILURE (system failure: ZimbraLdapContext) (cause: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target) zimbra logger service is not enabled! […]