
The Idea Behind

VeriTeknik is a Managed Service Provider primarily focusing on offering I.T. workforce including Data Center Services, Consultancy and Network Level Application Programming.
We believe that, providing I.T. infrastructe as quick as possible, gives the chance to our customers to gain the opportunities.

Business continuity is the key and we know that, your business rely on I.T. day to day.We believe that, Managed Services should include those three:

  • Managed Infrastructure Services (MIS) was the idea behind, while cutting the costs for the customers we were able to optimize I.T. infrastructure and offer unrivaled support.
  • Automation: We keep everything automated, every service we design include log facilities, early warning mechanisms and initial hardening, so if anything happens, we know it before you.
  • Knowledge Engineering: While we were working on, we were studying the answers that might come up as the questions from our customers. We know that wrong solutions tend to long durations, when it comes to I.T. we don’t have so much time to solve the questions. Thus we study them before you ask us.

The Facts, first of its kind:

  1. Multi server hosting environment in Turkey,
  2. Having three Technical Regulations certified in Turkey,
  3. First IPv6 offering company,
  4. Creator of e.guardo Smart Defender
  5. The first PCI-DSS v3 approved data center in Ankara and the second in Turkey.

* In 2010, VeriTeknik became a distributor of Barracuda Networks covering the region: Turkey
* In 2013, VeriTeknik became the distributor of ULTRA-AEP in the regions: Eastern Europe, Turkey and Turkic Countries.


AEP provides trusted security everywhere and develops the highest grade security and communication technologies, securing data regardless of device, environment or location, tested and accredited to industry security standards, including FIPS 140-2 Level 4 and CAPS to IL3/IL4. Trusted by businesses, governments and the defence sector, its extensive portfolio of products and solutions protect the integrity of very sensitive data and are extremely reliable, survivable and resilient. AEP is a business unit of Ultra Electronics an internationally successful security, defence and aerospace company with a long, consistent track record of development and growth. Ultra businesses constantly innovate to create solutions to customer requirements that are different from, and better than competitors.

About Barracuda Networks

Barracuda Networks, Inc. offers industry-leading solutions designed to solve mainstream IT problems – efficiently and cost effectively – while maintaining a level of customer support and satisfaction second to none. Our products span three distinct markets, including: 1) content security, 2) networking and application delivery, as well as 3) data storage, protection and disaster recovery.

We are working with VeriTeknik since 2004. Uptime is always high. Including the problems caused by us, we never get problems unsolved. A company with high knowledge in its area and tehy care their business. We are willing to work with VeriTeknik for long decades and I congrulate them to be the best in their field.

Mehmet Ali Demirci - General Manager SunucuPark

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  • VeriTeknik Bilişim firma profili
  • VeriTeknik Bilişim, Basın ve Yayın Ltd. Şti.
  • Cem Karaca
  • Etimesgut / 924 04 36 283
  • Ankara / 12/4557
  • TIB: Yer sağlayıcı No: YS-308
  • RIPE NCC: tr.veriteknik
  • Yapı Kredi Mithatpaşa Şubesi (359)
  • TR79 0006 7010 0000 0080 6249 79
  • 3. Şahıs Mallarını kapsayan 3 Milyon TL

  • VeriTeknik Telekom firma profili
  • VeriTeknik Telekom Ltd. Şti.
  • Cem Karaca
  • Etimesgut / 924 044 61 55
  • Ankara / 58/3444
  • TIB: Erişim sağlayıcı No: ES-76 (İSS)
  • RIPE NCC: tr.veritech
  • Yapı Kredi Mithatpaşa Şubesi (359)
  • TR21 0006 7010 0000 0083 4759 80
  • Mesleki Sorumluluk Sigortası 100 Bin TL